Murder & mushrooms

The Manon Maury Mysteries series is set in the Pyrenean village of Fontcastel, deep in rural France, where breaking for lunch always takes priority over murder.

Every book is part whodunnit, part travelogue, part food. Read more.

Books, books, books

This isn’t a review. It’s more of a PSA for anyone put off reading Children of Sugarcane by Joanne Joseph because many of its (fantastic) reviews contain words like brutality, rape, beatings, abuse, cruelty, murders, atrocities.

Despite my reservations, I bought the book but struggled to enjoy it because at every page turn, I steeled myself at what awful event might appear. Not fun.

Read full review.

Quick Bio

writer/ cat woman

I was a barefoot kid running around the banana plantations of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The freedom! The fearlessness! To this day, being in nature inspires me and soothes my soul.

Writing An Elephant in my Kitchen on behalf of Françcoise Malby-Anthony was a fantastic experience and the fact that the book became an international bestseller makes my heart sing!

I write from a tiny hamlet in France. Everything I love is here – hubby Dave, rescue cats Pixie, Frodo and Lucie, and the peace and beauty of the Pyrenees.